Young Lawyers Section: Connections

Nicole Scallon is President of the Greensboro Bar Association’s Young Lawyers Section and is an attorney with Henson & Talley LLP.
March Recap:
On March 24, 2022, YLS members attended the Lawyers on the Lawn outdoor happy hour for Say Yes Guilford. This event was a great success and was sponsored in part by YLS. YLS would like to thank everyone who attended and showed their support for Say Yes Guilford.
Connect with YLS:
YLS is organizing a connections event for April. Keep a lookout for an e-mail blast and Facebook post regarding this event. We encourage all members of YLS to join us for an opportunity to connect!
Come out and support the YLS Kickball Team, Torts Illustrated. Games will be played on Monday. Game times will be posted on Facebook. Do you have any ideas for future YLS events, service projects, and/or socially distant activities? Please share by emailing Nicole Scallon at
Do you want more information about upcoming YLS events or to find out how you can get involved? Check out our website at Also follow us on Facebook @GreensboroBarYLS.
YLS Celebrations:
YLS would like to celebrate life’s milestones with our members. Email
to share personal and professional updates about yourself that you would like celebrated on the YLS Facebook page.
If you would like to be added to the YLS email list, please email Nicole Scallon at