Message from the President, October 2020
Lisa W. Arthur, President of the Greensboro Bar Association
GBA Members,
What a great start to our 2020-2021 GBA year! We are truly grateful for the hardworking GBA board members, committee chairs, and committee members who have hit the ground running to make this year a success.
We held our first member meeting on September 17, 2020 via Zoom and our featured speaker was Kim Gatling, who gave us a lot to think about regarding racism and the need for diversity in our practices and in our world. Next up for our October meeting is Zack Matheny, who will talk to us about the downtown revitalization efforts and the GBA’s donation to the Feeding the Frontlines program. We hope you will join us on October 15th at 5:30 p.m. via Zoom.
I had to make the difficult decision that the remaining meetings for 2020 will be held via Zoom. While I certainly would love for all of us to be together in person, the safety of our membership is most important.
Please stay tuned as our bar year continues to get underway. We hope to see you all virtually again soon!
Lisa Arthur
GBA President, 2020-2021