Johnson-Parris Elected Vice Chair of the American Bar Association Law Practice Division
Greensboro attorney Afi Johnson-Parris has been elected vice chair of the American Bar Association’s (ABA) Law Practice Division for the 2022-2023 bar year. Johnson-Parris will become chair-elect in 2023 and then serve as chair of the Law Practice Division during the 2024-2025 bar year.
The Law Practice Division (LP) has over 24,000 members throughout the United States, its territories, and Canada. LP provides practical education and resources to aid lawyers in the business of practicing law with a focus on marketing, management, technology, and finance. With a focus on law practice management, LP publishes books, the webzine Law Practice Today, magazine Law Practice, and a series of programs and conferences, like the ABA TECHSHOW.
“It is an honor to be selected by my peers to fill such an important role,” says Johnson-Parris. “The business of practicing of law is one thing that unites all lawyers, regardless of specialty, and I enjoy focusing on ways to help our profession be better at what we do for our clients.”
As vice chair, Johnson-Parris will lead the Strategy and Planning Committee which oversees the development of the LP strategic plan and assists the Council with its implementation. Johnson-Parris’ committee will also vet new programs and products created by the LP Delivery Boards and oversee the quarterly entity reports from all LP boards, committees, and interest groups.