Amended COVID-19 Court Memorandum 6-26-20
Good afternoon,
I hope all is well with each of you. The coronavirus has impacted communities and our courts in a manner that has left many people feeling uneasy and a bit anxious (at best). However, we still must make every effort to continue to provide access to justice within the context of the recommended health and safety COVID19 guidelines. I am aware that we have issued several amendments and/modifications in the past few months. However, the coronavirus is unprecedented for our courts. We must proceed with caution as we make attempts to preserve the health and well-being of court personnel, attorneys, and the public.
Thank you for your patience and understanding regarding the dilemma that we are faced with. Please see the attached documents below with updates and schedules for the upcoming month(s). Feel free to contact our office if you have any questions or comments.
I appreciate your time and attention. I hope and pray for your safety and well-being.
With Warm Regards,
Teresa H. Vincent
Chief District Court Judge, 18th Judicial District
July-December 2020 District Court Schedule