If you would like to serve on a GBA committee for the 2017-18 FY, please indicate up to three preferences by placing 1, 2 or 3 by your choices below (1 being your 1st choice, etc.). If you currently serve on a committee and would like to continue, we ask that you also complete and return this form. Committee member selections are made in September and members will be appointed by e-mail by September 30th.
Download Printable PDF Form Here
Committee Descriptions
Awards & Recognitions-Researches and makes recommendations to the Executive Board for annual awards, award recipients, and member recognitions.
Community Involvement-Recommends community service projects to the Association to adopt and runs such projects.
CLE-Plans and presents the Association’s CLE programs for the coming year; expands and enhances the number of CLE offerings of GBA.
Elementary School Project-Arranges a program or project for benefit of students to enhance interest in learning; coordinates the holiday Elementary Book drive for each student to receive the gift of a book.
Herb Falk Society-Serves as a conduit for attorneys to quantify their pro bono services and be recognized for such efforts by carrying the designation as a Herb Falk Fellow. The terms and conditions that will govern this initiative will be recommended by this committee and accepted by the Association before it is instituted.
Health & Wellness-Recommends a health & wellness project for the GBA to adopt and implements such project.
High Point Bar Liaison-Plans events and collaborative projects with the High Point Bar.
History & Archives-Conducts interviews with senior members of the Association; preserves GBA history and records.
Holiday Party-Decides on location, prepares invitations, plans menus, prizes and entertainment for the annual holiday party.
Legal Aid Fundraiser-Identifies a fundraiser project to benefit Legal Aid of NC, and organizes the event.
Membership-Recruits, retains, and engages members through information, involvement in GBA committees and events, and membership meetings.
Memorials-Monitors newspaper obituaries and contacts members regarding deceased members; arranges for notice to members for special seating if funeral (if applicable); arranges to present memorial to the family at a membership meeting; maintains archives.
Newsletter-Publishes 9 issues per year, sends notices to officers and committee chairs, solicits/ writes articles, advises and assists with publication of directory.
Nominating-Presents a slate of candidates for new officers and 3 new directors for the upcoming year, to be presented to the Executive Committee in March, published in the newsletter, and voted on at the April Business Meeting of the Association.
Public Relations-Serves as a liaison between the news media and the GBA, promotes the publication of good news about GBA and its members in the news media, and updates the GBA website and blog.
The Second Chance Project-The GBA’s Signature Pro Bono project, which assists Legal Aid referred clients in obtaining expunctions of criminal records