Benefit for Legal Aid (Greensboro Office)
Fun and games for a great cause!
Join us this Saturday, March 29, 2025 at Boxcar Bar + Arcade!
Scan the QR code to purchase admission.
Fun and games for a great cause!
Join us this Saturday, March 29, 2025 at Boxcar Bar + Arcade!
Scan the QR code to purchase admission.
Please join the GBA for our Annual CLE Seminar! This is the sole fundraiser for the Greensboro Bar Association Foundation, providing support for its community grants program.
This year, we are excited to expand our course offerings to SIX continuing legal education credit hours (pending approval).
Register online at Annual CLE Seminar Registration
Register by Mail: Mail check and completed Registration Form 2025 to GBA office.
Young Lawyers Section Member: $85
Early Bird Deadline: Through February 22, 2025
Members: $110
Non-Members: $130
Regular Deadline: After February 22, 2025
Members: $130
Non-Members: $150
NC State Bar CLE Credit Pending Approval: 6.0 hours
1.5 Hours of General
1.5 Hours of Professional Well-being
1 Hour of Ethics
2 Hours of Technology
Sponsored by:
Lawyers Mutual
Southern First Bank
Date: February 27, 2025
Location: Zoom
Please join the GBA for our annual Greensboro Bar Foundation Fundraiser- the Annual CLE Seminar! This event is the sole fundraiser for the GBA Foundation.
The Annual CLE will be held virtually (Zoom) on February 27, 2025 from 9:00 am to 4:45 pm.
Register online at
Register by Mail:
Mail check and completed 2025 Registration Form
to GBA office.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day (MLK Day) is the only federal holiday designated as a National Day of Service to encourage all Americans to volunteer to improve their communities. The Greensboro Bar Association is pleased to give you an opportunity to do just that.
On January 20, 2025, the Greensboro Bar Association will be hosting its Second Annual live Ask-A-Lawyer event. On this day of service, members of the public can meet with volunteer attorneys and seek their guidance on particular legal questions and issues they may be facing. We will be on site at the Greensboro Chamber of Commerce’s offices located at 111 W. February One Place, right next to the International Civil Rights Center and Museum, answering questions and offering insights from 11am until 6pm.
WE NEED YOUR HELP!! We are asking members to volunteer for one or more one-hour shifts. We will provide materials beforehand and on site that will prepare you for the questions you may encounter.
If you have any questions, contact your Pro Bono Committee co-chairs Theodora Vaporis ( or Jonathan Wall (
The GBA is happy to announce that Theodora Vaporis, Director at Tuggle Duggins, has received the Pro Bono Award this year. The Pro Bono Award, established in 1996, recognizes outstanding service, and was presented to Ms. Vaporis at the November 21 member meeting at Greensboro Country Club.
Ms. Vaporis was selected to receive the Pro Bono Award due to her lengthy and regular pro bono work here in North Carolina. She has been named six times to the Herb Falk Society, which recognizes GBA members who contribute at least 75 hours of pro bono service annually. In 2023 alone, Ms. Vaporis completed 97 hours of pro bono service, including:
Please join us in congratulating our colleague for her exemplary service.
The election will be held on November 21, 2024 at Greensboro Country Club. For complete details see the NCSB Bar Councilor Notice.
Patrice Hinnant NCSB Bar Councilor
FROM: Judge William B. Davis
Vice President, 24th Judicial District Bar
122 N. Elm St., Ste. 805
Greensboro, NC 27401
(336) 209-3902
The terms of State Bar Councilors Patrice A. Hinnant and Manisha P. Patel expire on December 31, 2024. Patrice A. Hinnant is eligible to serve one (1) additional three-year term; Manisha P. Patel is eligible to serve two (2) additional three-year terms. I am having this official notice sent to you pursuant to Section .0800 of Subchapter 1A of the Rules of the North Carolina State Bar. Take notice that an election will be held as follows:
EVENT: Meeting of the Greensboro Bar Association
and Election of State Bar Councilor, Judicial District 24
DATE: November 21, 2024
TIME: 12:30 PM
PLACE: Greensboro Country Club, 410 Sunset Dr., Greensboro, NC 27408
Any member of Judicial District 24 who desires to submit a nomination for State Bar Councilor may do so by mailing a written request to me, at the address listed above or emailing the nomination to me at the address above, any time prior to the meeting and nominations may be made from the floor the day of the meeting. Election must be by a majority of votes cast by those present by secret ballot. Use of proxies is prohibited.
Patrice Hinnant NCSB Bar Councilor
Dear GBA and 24th Judicial District Members,
As many of you are aware, Tropical Storm Helene has left a devastating impact on our neighbors in the western North Carolina region. In times like these, the Association’s commitment to service becomes even more vital. Our community needs us, and I know we are uniquely positioned to help. The Greensboro Bar Association Foundation will be meeting in the coming weeks to determine what, if any, financial support we can provide for the legal community in western North Carolina.
In response to the disaster, groups throughout North Carolina have organized several initiatives to support relief efforts and this is how we can help.
Together, we can make a difference in helping our neighbors recover from this disaster. Let’s show once again that the legal profession is a force for good in our community, committed to service when it matters most.
Thank you for your generosity and continued dedication to service.
Manisha P. Patel
President, Greensboro Bar Association
President, 24th Judicial District of North Carolina
Join us on October 22, 2024 for an informative session on the latest fraud trends affecting law firms nationwide and discover practical steps to mitigate risks to your firm. Subject matter experts from Southern First Bank will lead the presentation and be available to answer your questions.
Lunch provided by Southern First Bank
1 hour of General CLE Credit
Lunch will be served at 12:00 PM
The CLE program will run from 12:30-1:30 PM
Free for GBA Members
$20 for non-members
Registration deadline is October 15 at 5:00 PM
November 1, 2024
3:00 PM
Old Guilford County Courthouse
301 West Market Street, Second Floor
Greensboro, NC 27401
The Greensboro Bar Association Young Lawyer’s Section is hosting a swearing-in ceremony at 3:00 p.m. on November 1, 2024, at the Old Guilford County Courthouse. A copy of the application packet is attached to this email. If you know of a newly licensed attorney that would like to participate in the ceremony, please share this application packet with them or have that individual contact
The Young Lawyers Section has a new email address. YLS is taking this moment to update its email list! YLS is a free GBA section for Greensboro Bar Association members of any age who have been practicing 5 or less years, or attorneys 40 years of age or younger. If you fit one or both of those criteria and would like to be included on emails about upcoming events, please fill out the brief form available at the following link:
If you would like additional information about YLS, please contact Young Lawyers Section. We look forward to connecting with all YLS eligible members of GBA!
Tyler Nullmeyer, YLS President
24th Judicial District Bar and Greensboro Bar Association
2024-25 Dues Notice
24th JDB and GBA Dues Notice 2024-25
1) The 24th Judicial District Bar’s 2024-25 fiscal year begins June 1 and annual fees of $30 are now due. THESE DUES ARE MANDATORY.
If not paid by August 1, 2023 a $10 late fee will be assessed.
Failure to pay the annual membership fee for the 24th Judicial District Bar must be reported to the North Carolina State Bar and may result in suspension of the member’s license to practice law.
2) The Greensboro Bar Association membership renewal date is June 1, 2023. Members may submit dues for both the GBA and the 24th JDB with one payment.
Greensboro Bar Association Member Benefits
Payment options:
A) Credit Card: Login to using the email currently on file with the NC State Bar and follow the prompts, or download Create a Password & Pay Dues Online for instructions.
B) Check: Complete the 24th Judicial District Bar and Greensboro Bar Association Dues Notice 2024-25 mail it with your payment to PO Box 1825, Greensboro, 27402.
Contact Diane Lowe, 24th JDB & GBA Administrator, at or
336-378-0300 should you have any questions.
Thank you!
In the realm of leadership, there are those who simply fill a position, and then there are those who redefine it. Gerald Walden, Jr., without a doubt, falls into the latter category. As his tenure as President of the Greensboro Bar Association and 24th Judicial District comes to a close, the members present at our annual meeting on April 18, 2024, took a moment to celebrate his remarkable vision, tireless dedication, and unparalleled achievements.
Throughout the past year, Gerald has exemplified what it means to lead with purpose and passion. His commitment to the organization has been unwavering and his impact has been nothing short of transformative.
One of Gerald’s primary objectives as President was to expand the GBA’s reach amongst the legal community. Through his innovative approach, he not only met this goal, but exceeded it, welcoming a diverse array of legal professionals into the fold by way of a new membership Section. His ability to inspire and engage others has been instrumental in fostering a sense of unity and belonging within our organization.
But Gerald’s vision extended far beyond recruitment. He understood that true progress lies in embracing diversity and inclusion. Under his guidance, the GBA prioritized initiatives aimed at promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion. Through continuing education programs and outreach efforts, Gerald has brought the importance of diversity into the spotlight.
Gerald’s greatest legacy lies in his ability to inspire others to action. His leadership style is characterized by integrity and the ability to encourage others to rise to the occasion. As a result, our members have been motivated to take on committee leadership roles, volunteer opportunities, and to step up and make a difference in our community.
As Gerald passes the torch, his legacy will continue to serve as a guiding light for future years. His vision and commitment to excellence have left an indelible mark on the Greensboro Bar Association and the local legal space. On behalf of the GBA and the 24th Judicial District, we thank you, Gerald, for a wonderful year.
The Greensboro Bar Association saves the Distinguished Service Award, the highest honor bestowed on a member, for the last award of the year.
The awardee, a native North Carolinian, graduated from Mather School in Beaufort, South Carolina, a private boarding academy for Black females which provided her with a uniquely sound foundation. She then matriculated at Howard University and its law school in Washington, D.C. Following graduation from Howard University School of Law in 1974, she became the third Black woman to practice law in Guilford County (joining the late Elreta Alexander-Ralston, a/k/a ‘Judge A’ , the first Black woman elected District Court Judge and Attorney Barbara Gore Washington, the first Black woman elected Clerk of Court). They were close confidants and encouraged one another in the practice of law. In like manner, she has been a mentor, encourager, and confidante to judges and lawyers through the years, humbly but firmly suggesting doing things right and to do the right thing. She is a zealous advocate and seeks the truth for the win.
Her strong and abiding faith has enabled her to help others to achieve their goals as well as to achieve her own. Her mother was a teacher and passed on placing a high value on faith, discipline, and education. Her work as an attorney has been recognized for ‘ceilings being broken for all attorneys who follow in her footsteps and whose impacts on the legal profession are undeniable’.
She was the first Black woman to hold the position of Deputy County Attorney in Guilford County. In her capacity as the Deputy County Attorney, she worked closely with the County Attorney in advising the Board of County Commissioners, the County Manager, and the heads of various departments. During her tenure with the county, she had the responsibility of representing seven county departments. She was also Counsel to the Guilford County Board of Adjustment as well as the Mental Health and Social Services Board.
Thereafter, Attorney Dudley achieved success as a partner at a private firm in Guilford County, and in 1994, she set out to be a solo practitioner. Her practice has focused on civil litigation with an emphasis on family law and has included all levels of the North Carolina Court System. In addition, she taught Constitutional Law at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University for twenty-two years.
In January of 2017, Attorney Dudley joined Elon Law’s Emergency Legal Services Program as the Founding Director. The program, which works in conjunction with the Family Justice Centers of Guilford County and Alamance County, seeks to drastically reduce gaps and unmet needs for legal advocacy and support for victims of domestic violence. In the last five years, Attorney Dudley has assisted nearly 5,000 people in crisis.
She is a member of the Guilford County Association of Black Lawyers and the legal committee of the Alliance for Hope International, the flagship organization for Family Justice Centers. She has served on community and civic boards including the United Way, Legal Aid, Guilford County Mental Health and Substance Abuse Board, the Guilford County Board of Adjustment, YWCA, and Hayes-Taylor YMCA.
Further, Attorney Dudley is a member of The Links, Incorporated, and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated and has served the sorority at the local, regional, and national levels. Notably, she served with distinction on a national Anti-Hazing Task Force and Mock Trial helping to guide the sorority as a leader in anti-hazing education and prevention.
Kudos to Attorney Margaret A. Dudley!
The Greensboro Bar Association recognized 15 inductees to the Herb Falk Society at its annual joint meeting with the 24th Judicial District on April 18, 2024, at Starmount Forest Country Club. The Society was established in 2011 to honor the life and work of the late Herbert S. Falk, Jr., a former Greensboro Bar Association president who was deeply committed to pro bono service. Inductees are members of the Greensboro Bar Association who contribute at least 75 hours of pro bono service annually. This may include the provision of legal services with no (or substantially reduced) fees to persons of limited means or to nonprofit entities, or committee work or other participation in activities improving the law, legal system or profession. For 2023, the inductees donated a total of 2,466.8 hours of pro bono legal assistance. Each inductee was presented with a commemorative pin as well as a Certificate of Recognition by Pro Bono Committee Co-Chairs Manisha Patel and Jon Wall. The Herb Falk Society Inductees for 2023 service, with their recorded hours service, are:
B. Tyler Brooks 97.3
William P. H. Cary 359.1
Kearns Davis 276.4
Erwin Fuller 100
Eloise McCain Hassell 101.3
Jason Hicks 100.6
Claire O’Brien 100
Jonathan M. Parisi 91.7
Manisha P. Patel 292
Karen McKeithen Schaede 100
Jim Slaughter 105
D. Clark Smith, Jr. 233.5
Theodora Vaporis 94.6
Gerald Walden, Jr. 245
Jonathan Wall 170.25
The Greensboro Bar Association’s 2023 Centennial Award for outstanding and exemplary community service was presented to D. Erik Albright at the virtual member meeting on
March 21, 2024. Colleague Rick Coughlin made the presentation.
Erik Albright received his undergraduate degree from Duke University in 1987 and his J.D. from Vanderbilt University Law School in 1990. He started his practice of law in October 1990 at the Smith Moore firm and eventually became a partner there. In 2018, his firm, Smith Moore Leatherwood, combined with Fox Rothschild, and Erik became a member of the firm’s national Executive Committee. He has served on the board of directors of several community organizations, including (a) the Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro on its Executive and Steering Committees and its Future Fund; (b) the Greensboro Sports Council as its past Chair and past President; (c) the Habitat for Humanity of Greater Greensboro; and (d) Tournament Hosts of Greensboro as its past Chair. Erik has developed an extensive civil litigation practice. In the sports industry, Erik’s representations include the Atlantic Coast Conference; professional football, baseball and soccer teams; a national amateur sports organization; the local organizers of Greensboro’s PGA TOUR golf tournament; and multiple other sports organizations. Erik has also been recognized for his litigation talent, including the Business North Carolina’s Legal Elite, North Carolina Super Lawyers, and Best Lawyers in America. Erik is active in regional and national bar organizations and industry groups relating to his practice areas. He also has served as an adjunct professor of law at Wake Forest University’s School of Law and at Elon University’s School of Law, where he has taught each of their respective sports law classes.
We are pleased to recognize Erik for his dedicated service to the community and his commitment to making it a better place for all.
This presentation will provide an overview, tips and training resources for the new E-file System (AKA Odyssey or Enterprise Justice) that will go live in Guilford County on April 29, 2024. The General Rules of Practice have been changed, requiring all attorneys to use the eCourts E-file system.
One-hour of Technology CLE credit has been applied for. This is a new presentation. Approval is not guaranteed.
Our presenter will be the Honorable Stephanie Reese, Superior Court Judge for District 24B of the North Carolina 4th Superior Court Division.
All attorneys in Guilford County are invited.
The information contained in this website is for general information purposes only. The information is provided by the Greensboro Bar Association and while we endeavor to keep the information up to date and correct, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the website or the information, products, services, members, legal professions featured or related graphics contained on the website for any purpose. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk.
Physical Address:
Greensboro Bar Association
24th Judicial District Bar
122 North Elm Street, Suite 805
Greensboro, NC 27402
(336) 378-0300
Mailing Address:
Greensboro Bar Association
24th Judicial District Bar
PO Box 1825
Greensboro, NC 27402
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